Friday, 12 June 2015

As a teacher so much is expected.but we forget that expectations alone can not yield.we all have a role and are far much in a position to be 'teachers' in our own areas of interaction with these young beautiful minds before we give them to the teacher.
 These young individuals already have learnt from:
  1. home,what they see at home they relate with more than other information as it is what shapes them for the rest of their lives. it contributes to how they want to be identified out there and everything to do with family
  2. The 'society', here its what the parents have allowed the children associate with or make part of what they are 'allowed' to listen to,watch,talk to/about,be apart of. the neighbors, the uncles,unties and what the general environment of the child is.
lets all be real and play our roles as we should,we shouldn't assume children are what they got from school because they aren't,they are what/who we made them believe that they are.