Wednesday, 4 June 2014


Once the word hits ones mind the very first thing one gets is book,and for sure you are right,over time we are meant to believe; not by our teachers or those who pass the information to us but by the system,that one whoever can not do that which is a universal perspective in the name of education is foolish.lets think again,Dr Einstein once said,"always believe in who you are as everybody is a genius but if you judge a fish by the ability to climb a tree or to fly it will live the rest of its life believing its foolish.this is what we have implanted in our young Kenyans,the truth is that there is more to a good thong other than just satisfying everyone.
Other than the universal academic knowledge we so much value,each of us has a hidden gift in them,one that unless there is enough space for it to come out (by space i mean unless it is something that every other person accepts and one that does't make you seem like some weirdo) then it might as well remain in there for as long as forever.its like the most valuable treasures of our beautiful planet,they are so valuable yet so rare,unless they are given time they may never be found,they may be hidden for years,decades,centuries and like forever.
      It has even become more serious because we teach and force our children through a system we don't  even believe in,we want to use our children to satisfy our 'selfish' interests,you want to have your child go through what you tried and failed,to use a softer word,we want to give our children more than a thousand reasons why they have to do what we want them to do rather than what even you as a parent or guardian know is the right thing.
Lets begin from a simple area,other than the big money and a big name what reasons drives a parent to pushing their children to particular carrier path?.lets not deviate much from the main objective for which this article it to be written.The Kenyan system I would say is one of the best that has ever been,only that it has not been effected as should for any system on this planet.By this i mean by the time a student is out of high school s/he is well versed with what the world has to offer and is well prepared.
 With over thousands of career lines out there our children can easily and most effortlessly fit into whichever system they are put to as long as its what drives their spirit to fulfillment. We are all the product of the same education system that produced the great movers of our country and the big names coming up to flag our country on this peaceful continent.the professors,inventors and all that makes each of us who we are.what makes the whole system what it is is the individual outcome of it,Those that have shone to the moon know the value and would rather keep it to themselves while hose to whom fate has not been that good of a neighbor then the education system is wrong.
    Each education system in the world is suitable for those it often do we take time to look deep down in us weather we are we doing that which we are meant to or is it what everyone expects us to do that we focus so much on?,very few people have taken the big risk of unmasking their real personalities.87% of the current world is doing what they are doing to continue surviving since its what the C.V says and where the academic journey has landed them.the other 13% are the artists,farmers,some musicians,mentors and authors.
      Almost everything has been commercialized and professionalized until one never knows whether they are doing what pleases them or they are switching careers,i would say;after the awesome system has equipped you enough, go out there and do what gives you satisfaction and all the fulfillment,what makes you feel that you have exhaustively put a mark where no other person dared to.

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